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 To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-12-23
Location : USA california northern

To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box Empty
PostSubject: To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box   To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 11, 2010 3:48 am

To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box 5_1_111

To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box 4_1_111

To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box _1_110

To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box 2_1_1_10

Hello, everybody, we are 7 clouds cadres team
To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub 音 楽 program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box 音 楽 programming group (formerly younger singers), see photo ^ ^
Each snack contains Vitamin Water4 a gift, jelly 2, 2 cup yogurt, nuts, 1 bag of oranges 2

Have prepared a small snack, because many singers have in controlling food intake, it excludes the items biscuits sweets.
MBC 音 楽 center recording is sent to their lounge singer
After the KBS, SBS will be the first video of this event
(Scheduled to the same contents, but the situation may be somewhat different site)
Thank you
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To commemorate the first wireless cloud FanClub program recording activities prepared that has the drinks, fruits, snacks, etc. To donate a small gift box
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