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 **Our Sixtofive1982 Member, Niki Haney**

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2009-12-23
Location : USA california northern

**Our Sixtofive1982 Member, Niki Haney** Empty
PostSubject: **Our Sixtofive1982 Member, Niki Haney**   **Our Sixtofive1982 Member, Niki Haney** I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 6:25 am

I know this is not directly related to Rain, but then again it sort of does to a certain extent since we are all his Clouds and at the end of the day we are one big family. If one fan is affected in whatever way, we are all affected as well. So for this reason I writing here to inform you of Niki. As many of you know, she is an active member on this site and has posted comments here and there, and she was even planning on doing the 8th Anniversary Cloud project (the notice was put up by J.Tune more than a week ago). We’ve been informed by her friend that Niki had a bad car accident yesterday. Her condition seems rather critical; suffering from brain bleeding and swelling. That is as much as we know for now.

I’m making this news public because I’m sure Niki would want her Rain family to pray for her during her time of need. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, and also for her family and friends through this rough time. We hope to continue to update you on her condition, but for now, there is not a whole lot we can do except to wait and pray.

With some help, I hope to put together some sort of ‘get-well-soon project’ for her, but I honestly haven’t had time to process this yet since this news is still new to me. So stay tuned for more information on this as well. Thank you for your kind attention, and remember to pray for Niki.

~~Debbie on behalf of Sixtofive1982

P/S: If you leave your get-well messages here, we’ll find a way to forward them to her personally. Thanks!

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