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 [SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10

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[SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10 Empty
PostSubject: [SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10   [SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10 I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 07, 2010 4:17 am

[SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10 20100312

After one year and a half, singer Rain comeback with his special album.

On April 3rd, Rain has attended the recording of “Music Center” at MBC Dream Center in Ilsan, conducted the first stage of his comeback.

In the waiting room, we caught Rain who sang the title tracks “Song can capture you” and “Hip Song”. According to Rain, all of these promotion activities for this album were originally planned for the release date on May 1st.

For the reason why he moved the schedule a month ahead, Rain said “The album has already done and no bother waiting for any longer”, he confidentially talked about this album.

In addition, he said “Different feeling was given in each promotion activity. It has been a while for comeback and didn’t want to disappoint Fans, and surely will work hard”

“Song can capture you” reveals the soften part of Rain. In the beginning of the song, only singing portion and there isn’t any special dance move. Then, it naturally started to dance with the rhythm. Although the last part is smoothly, it still captured the audiences of the scene with appropriated dance moves.

The ‘Hip Song’ shows Rain’s outstanding and powerful stage performance. The song itself is strong beat. Moreover, Rain’s performance is grand in appearance and powerful. One music industry representative praised the song “The title track is not inferior at all”

Rain’s first stage of comeback started in a show “Music Center”, the exact broadcasting schedule of the recording still not confirmed. The music programs of 3 television stations were cancelled due to warship accident issue.

Rain’s special album will be released on the 7th of current month.

Source: SPN Edaily
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[SPN EDaily] Comeback Has Been Moved A Month Ahead…There Isn’t Any Reason In Waiting 04-06-10
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