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 Poor Uee! But maybe... this is her chance!

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2010-01-26
Location : GA

Poor Uee!  But maybe... this is her chance! Empty
PostSubject: Poor Uee! But maybe... this is her chance!   Poor Uee!  But maybe... this is her chance! I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 8:11 am

Wow, everyone seems bound and determined (even Ho-Dong!) to get her and Rain on a real date. Poor girl, she looks so overwhelmed. LOL

She's kind of cute, though... and who knows? Rain just might take a liking to her if he hasn't already. My only advice to him is not to move too fast. He still has way too much on his plate and hardly has time to go to the bathroom, much less have a dedicated girlfriend. He has specifically stated wanting to accomplish all the big things he could in his twenties, and he only has 2-3 years to finish those goals, while his back and body can still take all of this hard performing. There is nothing wrong with getting married in your 30s, after he has slowed down some and can be a dedicated partner. Yeah, he's lonely now, but he needs to get over that. He'll have plenty of time for a wife and kids in a few years. Don't be in such a hurry and don't give in to what society says--it's your life.

What do you all think of all the fun everyone is having with Rain and Uee? Cool
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Posts : 68
Join date : 2009-12-20

Poor Uee!  But maybe... this is her chance! Empty
PostSubject: reply to stephe's post   Poor Uee!  But maybe... this is her chance! I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 7:32 pm

well, i agree that there's plenty of time for Rain to pursue his mate once he slows down a bit. this kind of business puts a double wammy on the individual who tries to maintain a career and a love relationship. with the type of schedule he has right now and in the future, i would just feel so sorry for the female, because no way could Rain give her what she needed, nor get what he needs from a close relationship. everything he does is under a microscope as it is. not to mention relationships, especially new ones, need all the time you can put into them in the beginning. i just don't see it working for him right now. (but, hey that's just me). he could work a miracle,hahaha

and like he says, we don't know, he may already be in a relationship.
as for the fun at Rain's and Uee expense, they did the same thing with him and Hyori, SuNa, Megan, Gyo and others. let's face it every woman loves this man and whoever he chooses is going to need a HUGE heart and open mind cause millions will not stop loving him. and Rain is going to have to work double time to keep her feeling secure. (just my take)
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Poor Uee! But maybe... this is her chance!
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